Recoradyn Designs Art Blog

Friday, October 31, 2008

Little Boy

This is my most recent work. The majority of this was done in Paintshop Pro although it started out on paper. I was amazed at how much easier it seemed to be to shade the image with the cloning and smudging tools than it is while sketching with a pencil. I know his eyes are a little crooked and I didn't quite shade the edges all of the way but you have to admit that it is a little better than some of my previous attempts. Maybe I am learning a little something, finally. :cD I attempted to give it color but it looked far too cartoony to me when I tried so that may be for another day.

Friday, August 29, 2008


I created these tags for others a few years ago. At that time I was a member of several tag design groups which I have since left. I post these here with the permission of those whom, they or their families are revealed in the photos. Please be respectful and DO NOT copy their personal tags. (click on the images to see the actual sizes. Please forgive the failed animations for the tags. I think it is the way they were uploaded. I will try to get that corrected soon.)

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Both of these sculptures were created using plaster. I created the frames using alluminum foil, toilet paper rolls, cardboard and crumpled newspaper.

The fairy Prince is now in the possession of my sister so these are the only images I have of him. These pics were taken with a cell phone so they aren't great quality.

This is before Yoda got a face and probably before he started looking extremely silly! All of these pics were taken with a cell phone camera except the last one which was recently taken with my digital camera. I sketched the pic of Yoda before painting on his face in a futile attempt to get his face to look right on him.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Fairy Dance

Yet anthor Daz Studio rendered image I created.

Fairy Tree

Another Image rendered using the program Terragen. I decided to play around with this one and added various tubes that I found for free around the web. I can't remember where I got all of them but a lot of thanks goes out to the creators of them.


I created this image using a photo landscaping program called Terragen. It can create some VERY realistic looking landscapes as you can see here. I am still learning it too. I have WAY too many interest to learn anything fast!! LOL

Dreams Betrayed

I had once again downloaded some cool new free props from the Daz Studio main site and wanted to try them out. I still had very few clothes so I had to come up with a them and this was the result!

Forest Glade

Another Daz rendered image with my textures.

Red Light

*Blushes* This was actually an attempt at learning lighting and positioning in Daz Studio, HONEST!!! I had very few clothes yet for my models because I am poor and couldn't afford them so I needed to come up with a scene that would take all of that into account!! So anyway I had download the cool props you see in the pic for free from the Daz main site; the bed, the lamp, the walls etc. and retextured them with my own textures and put a backdrop in. Then I did my best to position the characters in as natural a position as possible and played with the lighting. It isn't great work but it's a learning process!! :cD

Emerald Lake

Yet another couple of images in Daz Studio using my own textures. I was once again playing with the render settings here!! LOL I created the water in the third image using Paintshop Pro.

Bottled Friendship

Another image done in Daz Studio, I was AGAIN playing with lighting and Render styles.

Saphire Butterfly or Dragon Fly Ride

Another image I did in Daz Studio. I was playing with the rendering settings trying to get the hang of those, hence the reason for the regular and cartoon versions. :cD


I created Peaches using a program called Daz Studio along with some custom textures that I made. I was playing with lighting here and trying to learn my way around Daz Studio which I have still not completely been successful with.

Sleepy Head

Yet another attempt! There are some bad proportions here, I think, and some bad shading!!


This is a little more recent but still a few years ago. I drew this sketch for my cousin and it is of her two daughters Molly and Erin. I didn't have sketch paper at the time so I ended up using blank newspaper from a role I have to sketch it so it is very thin and appears dark here. I feel that it is an improvement to my earlier stuff but is still lacking in a lot of areas. The shading is still nothing spectacular but the hair of the oldest girl is better than most of my previous works. The baby here looks like a cone head or something because I couldn't seem to get the shading right ... but hey, I tried and that is what counts I guess!


I drew this sketch of my nephew Jacob back in about 1999 I think it was, I wanted to try to color it in a little so I tried fixing it up in Paintshop Pro. The first pic is closer to looking like him but I wanted to see what it would look like another color as well and without the crazy looking smear on his right cheek. Still bad shading in this pic an only minor improvements to face and hair!


I apparently sketched a LOT more during my teens!! LOL ... Again hard time with faces, shading and proportions!!! ... Yes ... get used to it, I still suck at them!! :cD


Another early work with bad proportions and terrible shading!! You live and learn though, right? ... Maybe!! :cD


This one was basically just a quick joke sketch I drew back when I was a teen!! Originally it wasn't even colored in, I thought it might look more interesting colored with Paintshop Pro and this was the result!!


LOL ... I drew this sketch back in highschool as well as a challenge a friend put me up to! I drew this in 15 minutes and it shows!!

Wind Blown

Yet another early sketch. I was still trying hard to get proportions right and was still having trouble with hair and faces! She may not be pretty but I was proud of her once!! LOL

Hand & Foot

Ha Ha!! I just had to share these!! They were both some of my VERY first real sketches. I did these during my Freshman year in highschool and actually won a contest with them. I found them in an old box in storage where they had gotten quite crumpled up so please forgive the shape they are in.


I drew this picture of my first niece, Alesha, back in early high school. I drew it using basic school colored pencils but I attempted to revive it with some color from Paintshop pro several years ago. Again not my best work but another example of my early stuff. Faces are hard you know ... and well so is hair and shading at first!! :cD


A VERY old sketch I did back during my Junior year in high school!! It was nearly lost and went through a lot to end up here on my blog!! :cD Not my best work but an example of my early stuff!

A Guiding Light

I created this tag using a color pencil sketch I drew several years ago then enhanced with color in Paintshop Pro.


I created this tag by first creating the character in Daz Studio then turining her into a tube in Paintshop Pro.